10 MIN ABS + FAT BURN - Floor Edition / burn fat to see the abs you train I Pamela Reif

No standing, no squats, no burpees ♥︎ get super strong abs & burn fat, while staying down on the floor! / Werbung This routine combines 2 topics: ▸ hardcore sixpack exercises, to train our core muscles and BUILD visible abs ▸ cardio movements that get our heart rate up, to BURN calories and fat. = getting rid of the fat, so we can SEE the abs we trained :) Make sure to give it YOUR ALL during all those climbers! Go as fast and hard as you can. You are with me for those 10min anyways, make them count! PS: We recorded this in Sweden 2 weeks ago! __ No Equipment necessary, no breaks and not much space needed :) If you need a break tho - take it! Just don't quit! The video is in full length which means you can just follow whatever I’m doing 30s for each exercise. __ ▸ I offer FREE WORKOUT PLANS on my Instagram Channel & in my Pam App. 30min, 45min Weights / Sweaty / Slow, Beginner Friendly, 60min Hardcore & a Dance Plan. Updated every Sunday

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