ADABundle Review: All-In-One’ Website Accessibility Software For ADA & WCAG Compliance


ADABundle Review: All-In-One’ Website Accessibility Software For ADA & WCAG Compliance

No One Is Safe.
Doesn’t Matter If You’re:


An Online Marketer

A Local Consultant

A Web Developer

An Affiliate Marketer

An Ecommerce Store Owner

A Doctor, Chiropractor, etc

A Local Business Owner

A Realtor

Any Type of Profession

Plainly Put… If You Have A Website or Ever Plan on Having One, Then You Need To Read Every Single Word On This Page.

Because It Can Be The Difference Between Whether You Keep or Lose 10’s of Thousands of Dollars!

So, How Would You Like To Make Some Serious Income Helping Businesses With Only About An Hour’s Worth of Work?

Hey ATSAffiliateHub here,

If you are doing any type of business online that requires you to have a website, then you need to pay very close attention to what I’m about to say.

Because right now, there are individuals who are losing a significant chunk of their bank accounts because they are ignorant of a certain set of compliance laws that their websites need to abide by.

And I’m almost willing to bet that your website(s) fall in the same category.

However, there is a silver lining to this problem. One that one person used to create an additional $50,000 in only 7 weeks.

I’ll share more about that in a moment, but first…

Their Ignorance Cost Them 10’s of Thousands of Dollars… Are You Next?

It’s sad because website owners are being targeted and sued for a law that they are ignorant of. But as you’ll soon see, ignorance of this law is no excuse. Frankly speaking, if your site(s) don’t line up with this law correctly, you could have to tap into your nest egg or retirement fund…if you have one.

And if you don’t? Well…may there be mercy on you.

Just take a look at some of the people who discovered this the hard way…

Lonnie Jones Comment and Lawsuits Targeting Business Websites
Nandor Katai Comment

It’s Only A Matter of Time Before They Catch Up To You. Learn More

And When They Do? It’s Game Over!

In short, you need to be ADA & WCAG compliant, because authorities aren’t messing around one bit. If you think it’s a game, let me assure you that it’s not. Everything is coming under scrutiny; websites, apps, and pdfs included. All of these are susceptible to lawsuits and litigation.

Just take a look at these statistics when it comes to ADA & WCAG compliance:

  • Lawsuits are mounting and are expected to increase…
  • The Department of Justice has backed ADA website Lawsuits
  • $6,000,000 was the Settlement Cost of a Recent Case
  • $50,000+ is the Average Legal Cost to Small Businesses
  • More than 10,000 websites sued as of 2020 due to non-compliance. This number is expected to hit 100k by 2022

Miss Just One of These MANY Requirements And It’s Game Over!

When I learned about how businesses were getting sued left and right, to say that I was shocked was an understatement. But even with my shock, I knew I had to make sure I protected myself now and in the future.

So I did a ton of research. Looking EXACTLY for what I needed to do in order to be compliant.

And I found that you have to meticulously deal with each image, video file, an audio file, and more in a CERTAIN way so that your site is truly ADA & WCAG compliant.

Not to mention that you need to make sure that you:

Have training
Have a web accessibility policy page
Make a web accessibility statement
Appoint an accessibility coordinator
Hiring an independent consultant, (depending on how large your business is
Invite feedback

Not getting any of these right AT ANY MOMENT can cause you INTENSE legal pressure and tens of thousands of dollars.

That’s why I set out to create a solution that can help you be compliant asap without the need for a lot of tedious effort. Just use this solution and all your ADA & WCAG compliant headaches will go away…


‘All-In-One’ Website Accessibility Software For ADA & WCAG Compliance learn more

So Why Should You Invest In ADA Bundle Today? learn more

There are so many benefits to having access to ADA Bundle. After you get access today, the only regret you’ll have is that you’ll wish you would have had access sooner.

For example, you’ll be able to:

  • Avoid Nasty and Costly Lawsuits That Suck Your Bank Accounts Dry
  • Rank Higher In The Search Engines With Less Effort

Service and Profit From the $650 Billion Disabled Market With A Capital ‘B’. LEARN MORE

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